Privacy Policy (Simplified)
Your privacy is of the utmost importance to us, whilst we collect various information from you, we guarantee;
- All data collected is held securely,
- All data is stored as required by the Data Protection Act,
- Only authorised personal are permitted to view / access the data,
- No Personal information such as Credit Cards are stored within any of our servers,
- We DO NOT sell, rent or lease any of the collected data to any EXTERNAL companies.
And for the purpose of clarification, this website will collect at least the following information;
- Data & time of your visit,
- IP address of your computer,
- How you came to the website,
- Name / details of the page you visited,
- Name / details of any of the items you have looked at,
- The duration of time spent on each web page / each item.
- The data & time of you closing / leaving the website ( departure)